1 Spanner Download

The latest release of Spanner is version

Please check Spanner licence terms.

How to get Spanner

Either drop a note to enquiries@productiveInsights.co.uk and we will be in touch to work out the best solution for you.

Or download a digitally signed Windows installer

(you will need a licence key from Productive Insights Ltd)

Spanner is a Windows Presentation Foundation application based on .NET Framework. It is designed for desktop/laptop computers using Microsoft Windows.
The current version of Spanner targets .NET Framework 4.7.2. At the time of writing Microsoft have not scheduled an end date for support for .Net Framework 4.7.2.
See Microsoft .NET Framework Lifecycle (Please contact Productive Insights if you require a version of Spanner for older frameworks)
Spanner has been developed and optimised in an 8GB 4x2.2GHz environment, but has also been tested in a 3GB 1x2.2GHz environment.

In practise this means that for Windows 10 or 11 you should install Spanner v1.8.3.5

Spanner is normally delivered via a Windows .msi installer. The installer delivers the Spanner.exe; a set of default configurations (Spanner.exe.config); two DLL files for PDF export (PdfSharp.Charting.dll and PdfSharp.dll); Newtonsoft.Json.dll for the import of .json planogram files; DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll for interfacing with Excel for import of product libraries and/or sales data; and two image format utilities BatchWhiteSpaceRemover.exe and Batch_Image_Scale.exe.
All components in the installer are digitally signed, and the installer is digitally signed.

Spanner is licenced via a timestamped licence key code. The user sends their own installation code to Productive Insights and a licence key code is returned.

    • Spanner Files - support for varying number format cultures (Doubles)
    • Excel interface - support for varying number format cultures
    • Read/write .psa planograms - support for varying number format cultures
    • Read/write images in Spanner files - support for varying number format cultures
    • Fix for bug on product list context menu that was introduced with language support
    • Fix for rare but important potential bug unable to read some kinds of .psa files
    • Improved drag shelf option (old drag shelf had to drag to fit in gaps exactly - now snaps)
    • Minor bug fix on deleting image resources
    • Improved line movement option on box rotation image transform
    • Clearer icon resolution in main window
    • Increased language support for various areas of Spanner
    • Fix minor bug in creating new documents
    • Further language support for various Spanner windows
    • Tidy up of language support for tooltip info on icons in main window
    • Update to PDF Export so that fittings are ordered top to bottom or bottom to top
    • Fix to position drag bug (highlighting lower shelf when horizontal point of sale at top of fixture)
    • Further language support for various Spanner windows
    • Option for three sales data fields in product navigator with filter and sort
    • Language support for remaining areas of Spanner
    • Grouped planograms in navigator - group by cluster/status/region
    • Ability to red JSON planogram files (model format:2)
    • 'V' adds vertical facing by inceasing maxStack or max merch height or Shift+'V' reduces vertical facing by reducting maxStack
    • Product editor: suppress context menu to make tray images in product editor if no unit images
    • Fix to minor bug: display of point of sale when changing from perpendicular horizontal to front face on
    • Fix to significant bugs:
      • Cancel on application settings can corrupt preset plans/bays/fixtures/pos
      • Moving point of sale to negative X position can disrupt 2D display
      • Create new product UPC field can cause crash if product not saved
      • Product table copy cell can cause crash in some circumstances
    • Pallet Merchandising
    • Improved appearance of product navigator when displayed without sales data (Product name text wrap)
    • Improved 3D mimic of pallet merchandising (box render options)
    • Fix for minor bug: load file with pallet merchandising - renders pallet before all shelves loaded - can merchandise too high
    • The ability to import sales data for multiple outlets and assign different data to different planograms.
    • Menu review and restructure: many of the 'Tools' are now in 'Edit' or 'View'
    • Enhanced anti-crash protection in key interface areas.
    • Re-ordering columns in product library interface saves column order for next time.
    • Fix to minor bugs:
      • Navigate undo to closed documents when multi documents openned then all closed then new document created.
      • No navigate undo when openning PLNX or JSON files.
    • Option for more multiple time signifiers in sales import (e.g. Latest and TY using Latest»TY)
    • Fix for minor visual glitch: coloured cells move when scrolling down import sales data decode structure tab
    • Fix for minor visual glitch: product list headings don't horizontally scroll with product list
    • Fix for minor visual glitch: in some circumstances product sales data not always immediately showing on show sales data toggle
    • New option for importing classifications when importing sales data (via over-ride ImportClassification»sheetName(or*or1basedShtNo)»rowNo»xlHeader(orColNo)»className)
    • Fix for minor bug: when product selected with focus in the product list clicking import sales may in some circumstances add the product to the fixture.
    • Fix for rare bug: Can't open PSA file with blanks in product size.
    • Fix for minor bug: with position selected, clicking import sales may in some circumstances move the position.
    • Import sales data, allow for Excel documents with inline text (e.g. Coop HIVE export).
    • Import Sales data time code matching with wildcard in sales over-rides.
    • When can ignore outlets when importing outlets in simple sales data import (outlet/channel) using ignoreOutlet»OutletName in sales over-rides.
    • Import Sales data adjustments to allow for Excel imports in other number and currency formats.
    • change to new document shortcut library search '&' changed to '<&>' for importing multiple libraries
    • Adjustment to new document shortcut menu to allow for longer category names.
    • Fix for minor bug: PDF export non-3D planogram summary uses last product image for products without images.
    • PDF export dialog now centered on screen.
    • Fix for major bug: product editor clears name when using ID as image key.
    • Fix for minor bug: sometimes can not mimic 3D when shelves don't fit in bays.
    • Fix for minor issue: hover image or image path tooltip not showing in product editor.
    • Bit map over-rides image search in document load images as well as product image search.
    • Fix for difficulty reading Tesco prospace planograms
    • Fix for Prospace export with commas in product names
    • Fix for Days cover highlight error on prositions with 0 stock count
    • Positions with 0 stock identified in clash highlight
    • Cancel button added in progressbar for loading documents, loading images and mimic 3D
    • Capability of scaling product library dimensions (e.g. mm rather than cm)
    • Support for sub directories in image over-ride (syntax : omit directory, include sub path, omit extension )
    • Classification filter boxes in product planomgram matrix and standard reports now ordered alphbetically
    • Option to exclude (ignore existence of) empty bays on PDF export
    • PDF export remembers last selections
    • Font size option for position labels in PDF export
    • New custom Excel/csv export for products and positions
    • Shelves have the option for minimum product width
    • Days Cover highlight scale heatmapped in reverse to make low days cover = hot (i.e. fast sales)
    • Save and Load custom exports as part of application settings file
    • Updated to target .Net Framework 4.7.2.
    • Standard reports selects all planograms by default
    • Utilities BatchWhiteSpaceRemover and Batch_Image_Scale updated to target .NET Framework 4.8
    • Fixes minor glitch where special chararchters in classifications makes mapped product library columns appear blank
    • Application settings file set to read and write UK decimal format for default zoom, cases on shelf and days cover
    • Fix for bug in write to product library using continental number formatting
    • Fix for typo on the product editor, where the case width textbox is labelled as case height.
    • Fix for minor error distinguishing between tray and trayside in product editor when keying on product ID
    • Fix for multisales data last value sometimes missing in file save
    • Can add equations to custom export (Fixed String: Title.=equation)
    • Default zoom set to 5%
    • Can put images on to pre-set point of sale
    • Fix for delete product undo not putting product back in to products list
    • PDF export ammended so positions list ommits empty shelves
    • Adding images extended to preset fittings and preset bays
    • Preset fittings in settings changed so X is relative to the bay
    • Fittings where edge separation >= width are excluded from PDF export side view and positions list
    • Document image search function widened to include use of direct filepaths in image over-ride
    • Fix for minor bug on undo for cut and paste bay
    • Sales Data Import adapted to allow for different periodicity in different rows (separate to time) (e.g. new IRI-Circana Unify reports)
    • Where text exists on point of sale (but no image) this is now rendered in mimic 3D
    • Custom export to excel includes advanced functionality for sorting columns and adding cell format to sales data
    • Added the option for storing preset images in imageresources
    • Imporoved options for import sales data identifying measure, outlet, time rows and productid and name columns
    • Mimic 3D shows label if no image
    • planogram files save and read zoom
    • fix for minor bug when using preset images from image resources not always picking correct image resource
    • option to update language fields through settings
    • language refreshed when changed (except highlight by sales) without needing restart
    • more realistic settings for re-scale images (lo=300DPI at 1% resolution, med=300DPI at 3.33% resolution, hi=300DPI at 8% resloution)
    • Fix for minor visual glitch, many multiple image search methods not showing in application settings
    • Fix for movement field not loaded with settings
    • Fix for 2D picture missing bottom of fixture on long planograms
  • (2 Nov 23)
    • Option to add default classifications to document classifications
    • Fix to major bug: loading planogram zoom for european settings can cause display measurement error
  • (23 Nov 23)
    • Product table right click options for copying csv style (for paste in to PowerPoint preserving numbered text as text)
    • Option to export just one psa planogram
    • Fix for minor bug, new dicument shortcuts not replacing %user% with user name in auto filepaths for sales data